Team Roles: Implementer

Learn more about the Implementer role on the TEAM Dashboard!

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a week ago

Team Roles can help you understand your roles on a team, along with your team's makeup, imbalances, and what each individual role plays. Implementers turn ideas into positive action, they are efficient & self-disciplined.


Implementers can get things done. They push through difficult challenges or tough problems and can get tasks to done. They are persistent and disciplined with a focus on completion. Implementers tackle problems in a systemic way.


  • Doer

  • Puts ideas into action and a workable strategy.

  • Reliable

  • Efficient

  • Disciplined


  • An Implementer is more likely to do what needs to be done in a systematic and relentless way and not neglect things they don't want to do. They have a sense of what is feasible and relevant and for this reason, they should be used to focus the team on the key next steps.

  • Implementers are needed to plan a practical, workable strategy and carry it out as efficiently as possible.

  • Bring an Implementer into the conversation when the question of “what will it take to make this work?” is asked.

Development Opportunities

  • Can be seen as inflexible, rigid, or slow to respond to new possibilities. Implementers should consider why they are resisting and consider the upside of the change for themselves and for the team.

  • Because implementers love the plan they might be slow to relinquish their plans in favor of needed changes. Be a part of modifying the plan with the new changes so you have a plan to follow and a clear path forward.

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